
How Much Does a Swimming Pool Cost?

In hot areas, a swimming pool may be a requirement, especially during the summer months. As a luxury, some people may see it as an investment in their house. You can have a lot of fun with them in your backyard while also increasing the resale value of your home.

You’ll get more use out of your home and potentially increase its resale value if you install an indoor or outdoor pool on it. We all want an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, but how much does a pool cost to build and maintain? 

The average cost of building a swimming pool, including both interior and outdoor costs, is examined in this cost guide.

In this article, let’s find how much does a swimming pool costs. 

Cost to Build Different Kinds of Swimming Pool

For an in-ground swimming pool, expect to pay at least $20,000 and up to $100,000 or more. But you should expect to pay between $28,000 and $66,500 for a new home. Excavation is a significant portion of the overall cost. The sorts of materials used for belowground construction also add to the cost.

  • Above-ground Swimming Pool: An above-ground pool can be built for anywhere from $700 to $5,000. An above ground swimming pool does not have the same monetary worth as an in-ground one, even though you can save a lot of money by avoiding excavation.
  • Small Pool: With labor, small pools cost an average of $22,650, with prices ranging from $5,500 to $50,000. If you ask different people, the name is a combination of “little”, “spa”, and “pool.” Most have powerful jets similar to those found in a spa, but they’re much larger. Cocktail pools are a great way to enjoy the outdoors for a fraction of the cost. They’re ideal for homes with limited living space or limited financial means.
  • Endless Pool: With labor, the average price of a lap pool is $44,000. 8 feet by 40 feet is the most usual width and length for these. If you’re looking for a space- and cost-conscious option, try an endless pool. You can swim “endlessly” in them because of an artificially manufactured current.
  • Plunge Pool: Between $10,000 and $25,000 is the typical price range for a plunge pool. They’re usually not much bigger than a hot tub, but they’re often a part of a broader backyard landscaping project. For people who don’t have a lot of room, these swimming holes are ideal because they lack powerful currents or jets.

Cost of a Pool in terms of Material

  1. Granite or Concrete

Prices range from $35,000 to $65,000 for these kinds of pools. Gunite is a mixture of sand, cement, and water, and both alternatives are tough and strengthened with steel, making them a long-lasting pool material.

  1. Fiberglass

Pools made of fiberglass typically cost between $20,000 and $60,000 and require less continuing care than pools made of concrete, granite, or vinyl. Swimming pools made of this type of material are simple to maintain and should survive for 25 years or more. When opposed to vinyl or granite, fiberglass pools often offer a smaller selection of shapes.

  1. Vinyl

In-ground swimming pools made of vinyl cost between $20,000 and $40,000. It is the liner, the component you can feel when walking on it, that has the most bearing on the price of vinyl pools. Thick liners are more expensive up front, but they’ll last longer and require fewer repairs down the road.

Factors That Contributing Cost of a Swimming Pool

1. Pool Size

In-ground pools range from $50 to $125 per square foot, while above-ground pools cost between $10 and $15 per square foot. Its size is the most significant determinant of overall installation expenses. Size does matter, but so does the price. Equipment, materials, and labor time increase when a company grows.

2. Location

A pool might cost up to 25 percent more to install in northern areas than in southern areas of the United States. When it comes to installing a swimming pool in a metropolitan region, the cost is typically higher than in rural areas.

3. Materials

There are varieties of materials available for in-ground pools, with prices ranging from about $20,000 to $65,000. 

On the other hand, if properly maintained, concrete or granite pools can last a lifetime for between $35,000 and $65,000. $20,000 to $60,000 is the price range for fiberglass swimming pools. Prices range from $20,000 to $40,000 for a vinyl-lined swimming pool.

4. Labor

Pool installation might cost anywhere from $5,000 to $30,000, or 25 percent to 50 percent of the total price. 

A swimming pool’s cost relies significantly on the style of pool you pick. You’ll have to spend more money on labor if you choose an in-ground pool rather than an above-ground one, for example

Final Words

Having a pool is the best investment you can make if you know that you will use it frequently. While having a good swimming pool can get you huge brownie points with your friends, it doesn’t cost a lot of money to build a swimming pool

If you enjoy swimming and hosting backyard gatherings, though, it may be worth your while to put in a new pool. We hope that you have got an overall idea how much does a swimming pool costs. 

If you are looking for high-quality and durable above ground pools then check these pools from the renowned brand. 


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